Creative Collection

by Renée Jordán Álvarez


Satva - Artistic Talent and Ancestral Values

We are a family business that researches, rescues, designs, creates, and produces ancestral pieces, turning them into true works of art. We are known for the quality of our products, exclusive designs, and excellent customer service.

Featured Works



Renee is an artist passionate about creation and art in all its forms, especially decorative and functional works made from stone, wood, metal, and ceramics, as well as oil paintings. Since her childhood, she found deep inspiration in nature; her days were spent playing with dirt, stones, and sand in nature. Since her early school days, when she discovered the power of clay, she knew that she would become an artist. Her arrival in Chile and her university studies cemented her artistic career. She lives and breathes art, finding the artistic essence in nature itself and in every little detail. Her passionate sensitivity is reflected in each of her creations, a tribute to the art she sees and feels in every corner of the world around her.


Create a different kind of gathering space, with a quiet, natural, and creative atmosphere that makes Satva renowned for the ongoing search for excellence in all activities. Our workshop brings together craftsmanship, traditional trades, and all its national and international potential.

Purpose of the Satva Workshop

  • Promoting and teaching ancestral trades as a source of employment, contributing to the development of the Arica y Parinacota region.
  • Encouraging artisan creativity.
  • Creating ecological awareness for the sound use of resources.

Creative Collection

  • Jewelry.
  • Ceramics.
  • Paintings.
  • Restoration.
  • Ancestral Art.
  • Sculpture.
  • Rustic Furniture.
  • Natural Fibers.